Cognitive science and machine-learning algorithms improve the next generation of innovation, together with data science and AI solutions, we build in-depth inferred-intent predictions. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are technologies that enable engineers and data scientists to structure, analyze and evaluate huge amounts of data. Use cases span the lifecycle: intelligent recommendations, generative design, anomaly detection, and predictive maintenance optimize the way and speed with which products are designed and produced. To leverage industrial AI in a trusted and value-added way, they must interact seamlessly with software and automation, as well as the appropriate IT infrastructure.
AI and Algorithm development is the core reason Ahdus Technology was born, we started our journey from Data-mining and machine learning from a prediction platform development for medical disease. The results are published in two well-known research conferences in London and San Francisco.
- Intelligent Syncope Disease prediction framework using DM-ensemble techniques
- A novel framework for Prediction of Syncope disease using k-means algorithm

The above research projects helped our team to grow even more in the Data-science domain and now we are a team of Data-Scientists, Data-Engineers and Algorithm Engineers mainly working on some more research projects. We have collaborated with LG for an eye-detection deep learning solution.
We are well equipped with python, R for data analytics, several machine learning and deep learning algorithm languages and platforms like NVIDIA EGX, Tensor flow, and some other powerful platforms, for algorithm fast processing we run Docker images GPUs and on Kubernetes clusters.
Apart from core AI & Data-Science solutions, our work is focused on data-annotation services where we have clients from Tier-3 automotive companies from Germany. You may read more about our data-annotation factory from the link data annotation and labeling.