
Ähdus Technology GmbH

74081, Heilbronn

Phone: +49179 4074841

Represented by the management

Ammar Asjad Raja

Commercial register number: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 794497

Sales tax identification number: In Progress by Tax office Heilbronn

Tax number: In Progress by Tax office Heilbronn


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Otherwise, linking is generally permitted. However, certain types of linking are illegal if they are not approved by us in advance. This includes, for example, so-called framing, in which Ähdus Technology content is displayed within the framework of a third-party website. Therefore, before linking to our pages, please check whether the specific linking you are planning is permissible.

If you are not sure, please do not hesitate to contact us. In exceptional cases we grant permission to frame our content. Whether the permission is granted is at our discretion