A Sellers Guide to Market a Product on Amazon

Seller guide to market a product on amazon

Amazon continues to grow and sellers all over the world are dipping their hands in the honey of Amazon marketing to sell more. If you have an online business or an e-commerce website where you are selling your product, registering an account on Amazon and selling there is worth a shot. To take advantage of what the Amazon world has, we have put together a sellers guide to market a product on Amazon for you!


Optimization is the key to good marketing, whether it may be social media marketing, your e-commerce website or listing your product on Amazon. Amazon can take your business to the next level if your listing is done right. The title of your product listing is the paramount in Amazon marketing company. Make your title worth being clicked, just like a YouTube clickbait thumbnail. Your title should not only be a clickbait, but also suggest keywords so that it can be easily searchable. Here is what your title should consist of:

  • Product name

  • Model numbers

  • Product size

  • Product color

  • Product patterns

  • Product quantity

  • Types

  • Platforms, etc.

All of these details depend on what your product and the good thing is, Amazon already suggests this. Just use the best keywords into your product title. Take care of your grammar, spellings, capitalize the first letter of each word of the title. Make sure it looks professional, and avoid the size or other product details in the title if it isn’t relevant. Use numerals instead of words and avoid ampersands unless it’s in the name of your product.


The next most important thing after the product title is its description. The idea behind descriptions is selling the product indirectly by pointing out it’s benefits. Sell the idea that your product is essential for them in how it will change their lives. Copywriting is the answer to selling your product in a way that is not lengthy, but still engaging. Talk to them like you are selling a dream, not a product. Since they are already reading your description, which means they are interested in your item, turn them into a sale. If you write your descriptions in bullet points, there is a slightly more chance they’ll skim over the points they are looking for without having to read paragraphs and getting bored in the middle of it.


If you want to appear more in searches, use keywords at every opportunity. There are certain ways you can use keyword insertion. To know what keywords you can use organically, simply type your product details and see what shows up. You can use some of these phrases or words as keywords and be a part of the popular group; inquiries.

There are two ways you can utilize keywords in places other than your title and description such as the backend and URL.

Backend Keyword

Backend SEO optimization at the of your listing is where you will make the most use of keywords phrases considered by the mechanics of Amazon searches. These will not be read by searches so they don’t have to be copywriting like we discussed in Description above. Be strategic as you can’t use repeated words or have long spaces.

Keyword in URL

The main link to your products listing or page is the canonical URL. This URL is used by Google and Amazon to fetch search data. If you want more traffic to your product page, make sure you use keywords in this URL.

Inventory Management

Amazon inventory management can help in ranking your product if you are a good sale. Try not to run out of stock, because even if you restock, there is a chance you won’t be getting back on your listing rank. Maintaining an inventory that meets the demand of Amazon will let it decide where you could appear in search results. This will also be taken into account for the Buy Box.


Good reviews will sell more than anything. Customers like to hear about what other people are talking about your product. They also trust you this way and may also recommend your product to friends and family. But since the reviewers are going to be honest, make sure your product or service is the best they receive and that too at the best price.

There is another way of using reviews to make a great sale, i.e. to tweak your descriptions. Take what your customers are talking about the most and write them in your sales copy. You may also use those as keywords.

Amazon Product Identification

Amazon’s standard identification number is a unique 10-digit alphanumeric product code assigned by Amazon and its partners. You can boost your product inventory by utilizing this number as it includes product information like size, etc.

Ad Format

Amazon Sponsored Ads, Amazon Headline Search Ads or Amazon Product Ads are some of Amazon’s paid advertising to help you boost your traffic. Amazon works as a partner with you because it makes a percentage with each sale you make. Each format works in different ways and in different areas so make sure you choose the one that suits you the best by experimenting with each. Amazon sellers have access to these three formats, whereas third-party sellers have only one.

Feature in the Buy Box

One of the benchmarks of Amazon marketing is being featured in the Buy Box. Though only four sellers of a particular product will feature in the Buy Box and have their “add to cart” button. There are certain metrics you can consider if you are looking to have our own add to cart button like:


Price is the total amount calculated after shipping being added to the product price. To look good in the eyes of Amazon, simply keep shipping cheap or free.


Apart from making shipping free or relatively cheap, make sure your shipping is efficient and quick.

Order defect rate:

To score points, make sure the orders are in their best age and packed and handled in a way that it minimizes defect rate.

Perfect order percentage:

The perfect order is the one that makes a customer leave good reviews after receiving the package.

Seller rating:

Sellers who have ratings above 90% are more likely to be featured in the Buy Box and are those who offer the best services.

Promotions and Coupons

Regular buyers are always searching for coupons and promotions and Amazon makes sure its customers can earn the discounts they are looking for. How do you think you can offer daily savings to not only sell more, but to also drive traffic to your product by offering these promotions off-site? Here are a few ways:

Market the coupon pages:

Another great thing about coupons on Amazon is that these pages act like separate listings so you can simply market them and get more traffic.

What are your competitors offering?

If you are offering bigger discounts than your competitors, you are more likely to make better sales.

Third-party Coupon sites

There are thousands of third-party coupon sites that promote codes, deals and coupons for your product. Check which site is driving the most traffic to your site and build on them.

Offer discount for reviews

Good reviews are very important for sales, so why not offer coupons or discounts on the next order for a customer’s confidence?

We know learning and taking care of everything on Amazon can be a bit confusing, which is exactly why you should connect with us and let us manage your Amazon account or at least guide you.

by fly2admin