V-Quiz is an Insurance learning application in a quiz format that helps insurance experts to meet their lawful training commitments, especially in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This is a new concept our Swiss client has provided to DACH region insurance agents and companies through the mobile app. Until now, insurance training was just available in a classroom or web-training mode.
V-Quiz is the primary and first elective learning offer licensed by insurance institutes like IDD (Insurance Distribution Directive) which is a European guideline that commands the financial advisors for insurance to attend training per 15 hours per year. If they do not fulfill this the advisors lose their right to sale insurance. This is valid in all European countries, allowing insurance specialists to proceed with their training effectively and helpfully.
Since Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, therefore they created their own “official” training system called “Cicero”. All Sales Advisors in Switzerland need to register with this system.
So in short, V-Quiz is a learning platform build exclusively for the Insurance industry helping their hundred thousands of insurance sales agents Europe wide.
Challenges faced by the team Ähdus Technology:
The Ahdus technology team, situated near beautiful Margalla Hills in Islamabad, Pakistan, had taken over V-Quiz’s advanced development and created a “Firmaplatform – Insurance Company platform” where large companies like Allianz Insurance company directly add their training programs for their sales agents worldwide. Since a large number of people are using Firmaplatform, we had to scale up the existing infrastructure, app optimization, firebase database advance tracking controls, and backend web portals.
Additionally, regular operations work is carried out to fix critical bugs that appear in any of the customers of V-Quiz in any of the EU Countries. We are also taking care of the UX/UI of the existing app in a manner that people love using the V-Quiz app and enjoy the learning journey at its best.
Development Journey
Agile Agile Agile and MVP Product development!
It worked out that the UX/UI issues were brought about by supposed “marshaling”*: When opening the application, the information originally must be synchronized from the “oversaw” to the “local” world. The inquiry of individual information generally just takes a couple of microseconds. Yet, with an inquiry list of more than 7000 inquiries with four answers every, it rapidly requires a few seconds. That is why we moved the whole inquiry list once into the “oversaw” world, where the preparation of the information presently also happens.
Full expense straightforwardness
The spending plan was a significant issue in the project throughout. That is why we fostered a freedom work process, so the client had a full outline of the project’s costs consistently. We assessed the cost for every advancement thing. The client then, at that point, focused on the things as per his financial plan. We joined the affirmed things into milestones and carried them out.
Technology stack!!!
The application is built in a hybrid mobile app language which is based on Microsoft Xamarin, a cross-platform framework for both native Android and iOS. The web platform is created in Custom-PHP and Python with MySQL as a database system.
App tracking, analytics, and database are built in the Firebase database system. App data is transferred and sync. with web portal using API interfaces and end-points. Therefore, a layer of abstraction and security is fully applied.
The Architecture is used SOA – Service Oriented Architecture where every layer is independent for security and code-quality purposes. This ensures Encapsulation – ensures that architectural layers only disclose a minimal API that fulfills their required business functions, and hides the implementation code details.

What made our Client Happy?????
A million-dollar question?? isn’t it??
Client satisfaction and happiness are always our topmost priorities. As Peter Drucker said, Quality in service and product is not what you put into it; it is what the customer gets out of it.
From the Idea to MVP product to the App Store
With initial concepts made by our Client, we always developed MVP product, had feedback from Client through test-flight apks and then released to APP stores, this ensured that client had always option to understand the implementation and user journey of his inventive thought.
Top rating of the clients
V-Quiz accomplishes great ratings in the App Store for Android (
) and iOS (
There could be no more excellent marker for the exceptional quality of an application!
We created a sleek and elegant look thanks to the modern UX/UI approaches we followed which made our Client happy.
Motivation, fast response, and attention to detail
Team Ähdus Technology listens to every detail carefully and always was responsive to the Client’s details, problems, production incidents, and stayed motivated which made our Client very happy.
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